born to davin and rosalie eclissu, amelie was quite the force. she was headstrong and curious with a penchant for getting into trouble. she often got her brother, sage, in trouble as 16, she was already training to become a jedi, finding difficulty in the jedi practices. peace and whatnot were never her forte. still, she tried her best, taught by her namesake, naya eclissu, her aunt. it was here she met tirum lance, a man she'd take great interest in as she grew older. and she grew older what can only be described as a "portal incident," amelie got lost in a different world where time passed slower. when she came back out of the portal, she was fully grown, having lived six years in the alternate universe while only 6 minutes passed in real time.

exposed to abuses of power and cruel punishments, amelie no longer found peace with the jedi, preferring the warring of the people she had lived with for the past 6 years. still, she tried her best to live as a jedi, developing a relationship slowly with tirum who helped her overcome some of her fears from her time in the altered dimension.still, she suffered. and, not even marriage to tirum could help. not even her son corbyn could pull her from the was then she left the jedi order altogether, abandoning her new family for the lure of the dark side. and oddly enough, the dark side helped her. she found some semblance of peace and happiness under darth creone, a sage like old sith lord who found more value in inner power than outer power.

she grew up there, and when darth creone died, she was able to mourn his death and move on to patch up her relationship with corbyn who she elected to take custody of (for the most part). she kept up with tirum, but for the most part, she focused on her own inner healing.eventually corbyn grew up (accelerated aging in your dna can do that from time to time), and soon, he left amelie's wing to mentor under a senator, his passion for arguing coming naturally to him considering his parentage.left to her own devices, amelie lives as a bounty hunter, following the code of the gray jedi and her own code of inner peace.



similar to the spacer background for commander shepard, amelie was born to two alliance officers, kept aboard space stations for her entire life. after enlisting for a few years, she served her tours and then left the alliance to pick up mercenary work. she hasn't looked back since.


verse with @tiruml
a stowaway on the tiberius, she landed on this horrible little planet called earth with tirum. instead of coming clean immediately, amelie set out into the mojave to help as many people as she can. she can always avoid her problems when she's helping others with their own... right?


born on earth, amelie has always yearned for the stars. so, when she turned 18, instead of joining the military or something similar to that, she struck out on her own, garnering passage on one of the luxury ships with all the money she had left in order to find her place on the planets out in the galaxy.


as a woman, amelie hasn't had much opportunity to do what she really wanted to do, become a knight. she is relegated to marriage and babies, but she denies that life for her and strikes out on her own. she steals one of her father's swords and shields, marching off into the unknown. hopefully she won't get herself killed in the process.



not many rules.i just ask that you be over 18 to plot any lewd interactions and respect my writing and my time.minors are not allowed to follow or interact. this is for my safety as well as your safety! don't talk to grown ups on the internet, bro!i'm not a smut w/o plot kind of person

open to all kinds of verses, not just sci fi and fantasy.feel free to respond with any of my open starters or tweets. I love all kinds of chats are open, but again, not for lewd dms. plotting is fine.feel free to ask for my discord at any time!